Vehicle Wrap Industry News | Editorial on Nissan’s Free Vehicle Wraps
If you keep and eye on vehicle wrap industry news, you’ve probably heard that Nissan is launching a vehicle graphics program alongside their new commercial NV van. Nissan is giving away a free wrap with each NV purchase. Free vehicle wraps? As a vehicle wrap company, at first we weren’t sure what to think when we heard the news, but after some consideration we’re pretty sure this is a good thing for the industry. Want to read our editorial on Nissan’s free vehicle graphics? Check out the full article at out blog!
Vehicle Graphics New Jersey
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The Slogan We Should Have Thought Of For Our Custom Sign Shop!
I was flipping through the channels the other day when a commercial made me stop in my tracks. I was struck by Esurance’s pithy tagline, “Technology when you want it, people when you don’t.” It’s simple, straightforward and honest.
“Hey,” I thought, “That describes our custom sign business perfectly!” I was excited.
The first thing I did was call up our copywriters and fire them for not coming up with it first. Just kidding!
But it’s true that Esurance’s brilliant slogan also represents our business model.
Technology when you want it…
We strive to provide online support, tools and programs that are free and easy to use. These days, people don’t always want to pick up the phone. A quick, easy online solution is what many of our customers are looking for. To meet that demand, we offer:
Instant online live chatHow-to videosE-mail responses within the hourOnline design tools SignMagic, LiveDesign and DesignExpressLetter sizing calculatorsA comprehensive library of helpful articlesEasy online orderingOnline pricing calculatorMaterial Selection WizardQR code generator…And more!
And we have an in-house techno-nerd who is constantly developing new ways to serve our clients.
…people when you don’t
But some people still like to do business the old-fashioned way. And even if you use our online tools, it’s good to know that you can get in touch with us directly when you need to. In fact, we’re available by phone anytime between 9am and 9pm seven days a week. We barely sleep! Our head SignChef even had an extra line installed in his house so he can personally answer your calls when no one is at the office.
Our customer service team can answer any question you have and is always going out of their way to provide you with over-the-top support. We all strongly believe that superb customer service is the most important aspect of a business. After all, we do all of this for YOU!
So thank you, Esurance, for putting into words what we could not.
ADA: Success Through Communication
ADA , accessibility .
Try ADA for related news, articles, blogs, events and online resources.I?m Dan Hounsell, editor of Maintenance Solutions magazine. Today's topic is accessibility and communication.
Facilities, operations, and building occupants change regularly. As a result, maintenance and engineering managers need to communicate as thoroughly as possible about their departments' efforts to comply with access guidelines under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA.
One crucial step in this process is to designate an ADA coordinator. Managers should post the coordinator?s name, title, address, phone number, TDD/TTY number, and e-mail in a visible public location, and they should include this information in handbooks and other organizationwide publications. Managers also should post ADA-related notices in selected locations on the organization?s web site.
To ensure effective communication, managers also can use these tactics to communicate compliance efforts:
• Develop a brochure or a packet with information on ADA requirements, as well as information on contacting the ADA coordinator.
• Provide materials in accessible, alternate formats, including large print, taped materials and Braille.
• Provide accommodation statements on all public notices. Such statements should provide a contact person if an individual with a disability needs accommodation to participate in a program, service or activity.
• Seek input on accessibility from members of the public, individuals with disabilities, and organizations representing individuals with disabilities. Tools for this purpose include postings, surveys of facility users, organizations and site administrators, and newspaper notices.
• Finally, use appropriate terminology on all verbal and printed communication. For example, refer to individuals with disabilities as people first, so instead of saying "hearing-impaired person," say "person with a hearing impairment."
Aluminum Signs vs. Acrylic Signs
This blog post will help you discover:
Why aluminum and acrylic signs are so popular and what they have in commonWhat you should consider when choosing between aluminum and acrylicDifferent ways to use each type of sign and what type of environment they’re best suited forPeople often ask what our most popular sign materials are. Aluminum and Acrylic signs combined account for about 40% of the signs we make. While the two have a lot of similarities, they also have some big differences that can help you determine which (if either) will fit your needs best.
What do aluminum and acrylic signs have in common?
Most importantly, both aluminum and acrylic are extremely versatile. They can both be used indoors or outdoors, though aluminum is more common outdoors while acrylic is often found indoors.
Both are very lightweight and durable, which accounts in large part for their popularity. In fact, aluminum is among the most durable sign materials available.
Because aluminum and acrylic are both light and thin, they are easy to install.
Both materials are also waterproof – a big reason they endure well outdoors.
But the similarities pretty much end there. So while aluminum and acrylic share some vital factors, their differences are extremely important to note.
What are the differences between aluminum and acrylic?
Let’s start with Aluminum:
Aluminum is a metal sign materialVery popular for real estate signsExtremely strongPerfectly smooth finishRustproofCost effective (but more expensive than acrylic)Won’t deteriorateRigid yet flexibleGreat for double sided signage lasts decades indoors and up to eight years outdoorsNow let’s look at Acrylic:
Acrylic is a plastic sign materialClear acrylic signs are available and extremely popular in office buildings, etc.High gloss surface gives a professional lookPolished gold and silver standoffs used to mount acrylic signs appear very high-endPigments on acrylic hold color wellInexpensiveIdeal for lighted sign displaysFor one-sided signs onlyAcrylic plastic signs last indefinitely indoorsYou can see that although similar, they’re best used for different reasons.
When should I use aluminum and when should I use acrylic?
Aluminum is the most popular outdoor sign material we offer. It is most often used for signs that provide directions or instructions, such as traffic signs and yard signs. Real estate signs are one of the most popular uses for aluminum. (You can learn how to design an effective real estate sign here.)
Acrylic is used very often in corporate interiors and hotel lobbies. It’s glossy, modern appearance makes acrylic great for professional uses and branding. You’ll often see acrylic name plate signs on office doors, for example.
If you have any questions about choosing the ideal sign material for your needs, contact our sign experts at anytime between 9am and 9pm seven days a week.
Vehicle Wrap Industry Tips & Advice | Design Tips For Seamless Vehicle Wraps
Unlike quilts and old fashioned stockings, vehicle wraps do not look good with their seams showing. A well installed vehicle wrap should be virtually seamless, meaning that you shouldn’t be able to tell where one panel begins and another ends. Creating a seamless vehicle wrap is easier said than done, so we wrote a new blog post with four design tips for seamless vehicle wraps.
Vehicle Graphics New Jersey
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