Sunday, October 10, 2010

postheadericon ADA Update: The New Regs and Their Impact on Facilites

After years of delay, the Department of Justice is moving ahead on changes to its ADA regulations.

The announcement - which came on July 26, the 20th anniversary of ADA - starts the clock ticking on enforcement of new rules. It should also serve as a reminder that compliance with the law should be a top priority for your facility.

Attend this 60-minute webcast for a thoughtful, thorough analysis of the ramifications of the regulations, as well as a discussion of key strategies for complying with ADA requirements.

This Webcast will give you an in-depth understanding of the regulations' impacts on your organization, and detailed information about how and when the regs will be enforced, along with answers to their specific questions about complying with both new and existing ADA requirements, including:

Sign up right now

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View the original article here


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