Friday, March 4, 2011

postheadericon 2011 is All About Growth at TheSignChef

It is vital that a business changes in order to accommodate the economy. The economy is slowly getting back on track and more small businesses are opening around the country.  For TheSignChef, that means even more growth.

Hello, 2011!

We’ve been thriving throughout the economic slump, but now that things are beginning to pick up, we’re flourishing more than ever before. In fact, we’re on track to beat our sales record in 2011!

So we’ve had to make some changes in order to grow production at the necessary rate

Good changes, of course! We just completed a major expansion of our workshop and offices. Some previously unorganized space has now been converted into four separate rooms that will keep our business running efficiently as we continue to grow:

The printing room enables us to keep all of our printers together, making the process more streamlined for our production team.The graphic design room is a new office exclusively for our – you guessed it – our in-house graphic designers so they have extra room to be creative.The router room houses our brand-new cutting-edge router that enables us to do all custom contour cutting in-house (most sign companies outsource this procedure, which means their custom cut signs take longer to make and are more expensive )The cutting room means more space for our production team on the main workshop floor

It sounds like a lot, and it is. We’re fortunate that we can give our employees extra office space and more production room.  And because we invest in making our business better, our clients know that we’re striving to be the best custom sign company out there.

After all, we are doing this so that we can ultimately give our customers an even better product

By expanding, we can serve you better. Our customer service manager now has a bigger office, our production team has more space to build the best custom signs possible and our graphic designers have a comfortable new office where they can work undisturbed. Our customers benefit because a happy employees make a successful business!

And a successful business provides personalized service

No matter how much we grow, we’ll always be about personalized service. Although we serve some well-known franchises, we don’t have a giant office in New York City with hundreds of offices and no idea who, exactly, we’re working with. No, we reside in Charleston, SC, where we started 25 years ago. And our number one focus is on our customers, not our revenue.

And we look forward to serving our customers better, for years to come!

View the original article here


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