Friday, March 4, 2011

postheadericon Why Digital Signage Needs Facebook

Facebook is the center of the social media universe. It has become the de facto social platform for the Internet.

While some claim this is a bad thing., I think Facebook is paving the way for the future of media, entertainment, advertising, and technology.  The critics claim Facebook is here to use and abuse us. "It puts too much power into the hands of one company," some say. "How can we trust Facebook with our personal information?" others argue.

When it comes to personal information, there is a fine line between what we will freely share and that which we will adamantly protect. In the age of Facebook, a lot of our personal information has fallen into a grey area between the two.. Facebook isn't to blame for the over sharing of information. The company has provided the platform. It's Facebook's members who decide how they want to use it.

Facebook and Digital Signage

Digital signage needs Facebook because it delivers unparalleled contextual relevance through which to better communicate with customers. Facebook provides the necessary foundational information to create one-to-one marketing experiences at retail.

Facebook provides the launch pad from which retailers can forge stronger bonds with their customers. It brings the retailer into a customer’s social circle. It offers the opportunity for two-way information sharing, helping to redefine relationships between retailers and their customers.

I have said it before, and I will say it one thousand more times. The power of digital signage lies in its flexibility, immediacy, and relevancy. The medium draws its strength from the information and data that we don’t see. Rather than functioning as the means through which a canned playlist is distributed, digital signage can function as an omniscient marketing and sales tool. It's through platforms like Facebook that digital signage draws its omniscience.

Tying in Facebook Likes and connectivity into digital signage ensures that these systems realize their full potential at retail. They become hubs for real-time social activity that blur the physical and digital. Connecting customers to their social graphs in-store, via kiosks and large-format interactive displays, promises that they will realize the same benefits they find when shopping online.

The web of conversations, social connections, feedback, and recommendations born from Facebook can facilitate a smoother path-to-purchase. A kiosk’s interoperability with Facebook takes the best of our online world and merges it with the best of bricks-and-mortar.

To better understand one’s customers is to more keenly comprehend how to meet their unique needs. It allows retailers to discover nuances about their diverse customer base that would otherwise remain hidden. Facebook’s role in providing greater context around places must not be underestimated..

The better we become at seamlessly integrating Facebook into physical retail locations, the more equipped brands will be in crafting one-of-a-kind customer experiences. Facebook’s integration with kiosks and digital signage allows retailers to move away from a one-size-fits-all approach. In-store marketing campaigns, special offers, and promotions can be changed in real-time in response to data derived from Facebook.

The social network is a hub for information that can be acted on in positive ways. It empowers brands and customers alike to take complete ownership of the unique qualities that define them

View the original article here


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